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Showing posts with the label Manaslu Hiking

Hwak Buddhist Festival in Samagoan, Mt. Manaslu Circuit Trek

Samagoan village lies north of Gorkha district on the lap of Mt. Manaslu mountain and on the way of Manaslu circuit hike . A biggest village in Nubri Valley stand 3600m above the sea level.  The population of village about 700 according to last static 2012. The people are indo Tibetan and all of them are Tibetan Buddhism followers. They celebrate many of Buddhist festival during the year including some of Hindu Fest as well. A valley located just below form world 8 highest mountain Mt. Manaslu. From the village you can see sunrise of manaslu and very close distance of manaslu peak. Most of Manaslu Expedition and Trekking groups walk through the village and during the treks and expedition they spend at least 2 nights in this village because of altitude acclimatize. Hwak Festival in Manaslu Circuit Trail, Samagoan village Mask Dance Hwak festival in Sama Monastery Samagoan Samagoan Village on Manaslu Circuit Trekking in Nepal All of People from Samagoan, speak ...