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Showing posts with the label hindu fest

A Mass Animal Sacrifice Fest in Nepal, Gadhimai Mela

Animal Sacrifice during the Gadimai Mela, Nepal A Mass Animal Sacrifice Fest in Nepal, Gadhimai, Bara - A Wicked behavior from Human to innocent Animals for worthless worships, probably  the largest religious slaughter in the world . The Gadimai festival held on southern part of Nepal Bara district  for a month from today. The Hindu religion community that held once time in five years clockwise in Gadhimai Temple, Bariyapur.  The festivel is one of more animal sacrifice fest in the world. According the past records, there were more than 225000 innocent animals including Male Water buffaloes, Pigs, Lam and Goats, Chickens and Pigeons. In  uneducated and unparalleled religious  madness and believing the worthless wishes from the Hindu communities from Nepal southern parts and Indian nation, the festival will held  by Hindu priest.  The supreme court of India order on October 17, directing the     to prevent the illegal move...