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Showing posts with the label Celebration
Nepal Longest and Biggest Hindu Fest Dashain celebrating every year high tourist season October/November. Dashain Jamara  Nepal is a one of most  famous country between China and India in Asia for their culture celebration, festivals, Gods and Goddess. Mostly every day in the corner of Nepal somewhere they celebrate some festival. In Nepal, here are some date fixed festivals, some seasonal festival, full moon festivals and much more festivals which is related to their respect culture and religions. Dashain is one of most auspicious , longest and biggest festival for Hindus people of Nepal  Every Year October/November as per their domestic moon lunar calendar fortnight to full moon for 15 days.  About 87 percentages of people are in Hindu Community in Nepal.  The Dashain Festival commemorates is great victory of good over the wicked demons. One of the story explain in Ramayan Holy Grantha, where the lord  and (Prince fr...

Gai Jatra festival celebrate in Nepal after earthquake

Gai Jatra is most popular festival of Nepal celebrate in Kathmandu by  Newari community, those who lost their family member during the year and from earthquake . The Cow festival  is worshiping of GOD OF DEATH. Gaijatra celebration in kathmandu Different faces mask parade in Gaijatra fest Gai Jatra festival  celebrate after the day of Full Moon in August/September by specially Kathmandu valley origin Newari community. This cow festival begin from King Pratap Mall THE FAMOUS MALL KING OF KATHMANDU IN 16TH CENTURY . The king lost his young son and his wife queen was in always great misery. The king was very disappointed to see the condition of his queen. He try everything to make her happy and keep  smiling  in her daily life but not success. She always sad and even more serious.  He announce to all to find the way to make her happy and smiling. Some of them give advice to celebrate cow festival with various funny jocks and tell th...