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Showing posts with the label Tiji Festival

Tiji Festival of Upper Mustang, the chasing of the Daemons, Get Ida to Travel Mustang in Nepal

The three -days spiritual and ritual fest in Upper Mustang Lo-Manthang - 'The city of Mud' Buddhist community  Known as 'the chasing of the Daemons' and centered of the Tiji myth. Tiji tells the story of the deity named Dorje Sonam'  who must battle against his demon father to save the Kingdom of Mustang form destruction. The demon father wreaks havoc of Mustang by creating a water shortage which in this extremely arid land, most precious life-sustaining resource. Tiji come from the worlds 'ten che' meaning 'the hope of Buddhist prevailing in all worlds'. Tiji is the famous Buddhist festival in Upper Mustang held every year in  spring month according the Tibetan Buddhism Moon calendar in Lo Manthang city. Actually the festival name was Tenji. Later commonly pronounced 'Teeji'  is the abberiavted from of Tempa Chhirinm which translates to 'Prayer for World Peace.' Tenji commemorates the victory of Buddha's incarnation. Dorje s...