There are every day many tourist arriving in Nepal and most of them have purpose of Himalayas trekking or some adventure activities tours in Nepal. A bit less tourist those who are even more adventures seeking the climbing some of white high altitude mountain summit around Mt. Everest Areas, Langtang National Park, Annapurna Region, Manaslu circuit trek or some off the beaten remote trekking routes. Most of them they read about the tours, plannings, service, routes, accommodation and safety as well. Many of them they believe the equipments are not very important like those things and not taking very serious. Even if they know about all equipment information sometime the carrier make them limits that is the reason all of them are not able to bring with them.
Yes, in Nepal there are many outdoor shopping places where you can 100 percent fake equipments which you can find your choice of branded name like North Face, Mammut, Mountain Hardwere, Salewa and etc. Those all of branded and quality equipments shop also you will find in Kathmandu but every brand only one and the cost compare worldwide same. That is also the reason most of tourist like to buy fake trekking/climbing equipments in Nepal in low price. If you travel around Thamel, Namche Bazaar and Pokhara area there are every steps you will cross those shops who offering your choice of equipments cheap cost. Some time tourist even dont know are they fake or real some of the tourist they pay same like original. Most of shops even they offer renal service as well like Sleeping bags, Down jackets, Trekking Bags and needed equipments with good price.
That is the way many Nepalese people making money and tourist getting cheap equipments in Nepal. But if you are going some of real adventure and expedition on Himalaya sometime those product might not work properly and i will suggest to you better to have good and that save your live better.
Specially hiking shoes are come from China they look like very good and written Gore-Tex but after few days walk completely damage and that make big problem to you in high himalaya. Some time very difficult to find the right size if you are not a regular size in that case you need to pay more then normal.
Common Things to Bring
Lightweight walking boots. "Walk them in" prior to arrival in Nepal to avoid blisters.
A pair of lightweight/heavyweight trousers are useful higher up in the mountains in the morning and at night.
1-2 pair of loose fitting long shorts/skirts.
2-4 cotton T-shirts.
1 lightweight long sleeved-shirt is particularly suitable for avoiding sun burn.
A sunhat and ensure it has wide brim to cover the face and neck.
2 pairs of thin and 2 pairs of thick woolen socks.
Underwear: normal quantity
Swimming suit
Water Bottle
Sunglasses and strap
Toiletries with large and small towels. Toilet paper can be bought in Kathmandu and some village in the mountains.
Small headlamp and/or flashlight/torch with spare batteries
Personal medical supplies - don't forget band-aids and tweezers.
Army-knife and sewing kit
Sun-screen, sunblock, sun-tan lotion.
Winter Requirements For Your Trek.
Warm jacket. Fiberfill or down should be adequate. This is especially necessary during winter from December to February.
Sleeping bag to -15 C or sleep sheet (if renting or agency supplied)
Woolen shirts and thick sweaters. During winter months, December through February, These items are essential. Thick sweaters can be purchased in Kathmandu.
Windproof/Waterproof trousers. Necessity on all treks going above 3,000 meters.
Thermal underwear. These are excellent to sleep in at night. In the winter months thermal underwear are quite invaluable.
A woolen hat to wear in the morning and at night. During winter it is an essential item.
A pair of gloves. Leather with lining and woolen are best.
Snow Glasses and strap
Snow gaiters can be essential
Some extra recommendation
Camera & Batteries
A pair of slip-on shoes or sandals. To wear in the camp, in bathroom and toilet tent or when the boots are wet.
A rain-proof jacket with hood or a poncho. Get the one that is guaranteed waterproof.
A sweat-suit. Useful for wearing in camp and in the tent.
Duffel bag or kit bag to carry gear while trekking.
Daypack. This is a small backpack to carry personal requirement for the day e.g., to toilet items, camera, film, towel, soap, a book etc. Spare boot laces.
2-4 large plastic bags to separate clean clothes from dirty ones. 6-10 smaller plastic bags to dispose garbage.
Wallet and/or money belt with compartment for coins.
Reading materials, game items, music, note book, rubber band, pen and pencil envelopes, a diary, a calendar, a pocket knife, binoculars (optional), A small pillow or headrest (optional) Thermarest (optional) - an inflatable sleeping mat, trekking map, would be good for camping trek, where as for Tea house trek these all item are may not necessary.
Duct-tape, superglue and small mirror can be handy
Travel locks and chain to secure luggage and lodge door
Hot-water bottle
Suggest Peak climbing Equipment's list
Group Equipment Provided by Nepal Footprint holiday Trek
Dom tents and mattress twin sharing basis, Kitchen /Dining tents, Kitchen equipment's, Toilet tent, Climbing rope: fixed and main rope, Harness, Crampons, Ice-Axe, Karabiners : lock/ unlock, Ice-screws, Snow Bars, Rock piton, Helmet, Ascender ( Mummer), Descender( F-8), Tapes / slings.
Personal Hard ware Gears not provide by Nepal Footprint Holiday Trek
Climbing boots: plastics boot/or similar quality Need fixed crampons, Long sleeved cotton /woolen shirts, Wool long under wear, Long cotton hiking shirts, Warm climbing trousers, Light weight fleece Fleece/ wool for climbing, Down high altitude sleeping bag (3, 4 session), Sleeping pad (carry mat) or therm-rest mat, Light cotton athletic socks and wool climbing socks, Light weight thermal/ insulated climbing gloves, Head torch /batteries /bulbs, Water proof climbing jacket, Down jacket /trousers/vest Climbing sunglasses, Sun screen, Sun hat, Gaiters
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