Gai Jatra festival celebrate in Nepal after earthquake

Gai Jatra is most popular festival of Nepal celebrate in Kathmandu by  Newari community, those who lost their family member during the year and from earthquake. The Cow festival  is worshiping of GOD OF DEATH.

Gaijatra festival in Kathmandu
Gaijatra celebration in kathmandu

God of death festival Gaijatra-Nepal
Different faces mask parade in Gaijatra fest

Gai Jatra festival  celebrate after the day of Full Moon in August/September by specially Kathmandu valley origin Newari community.

This cow festival begin from King Pratap Mall THE FAMOUS MALL KING OF KATHMANDU IN 16TH CENTURY. The king lost his young son and his wife queen was in always great misery. The king was very disappointed to see the condition of his queen. He try everything to make her happy and keep smiling in her daily life but not success. She always sad and even more serious.  He announce to all to find the way to make her happy and smiling. Some of them give advice to celebrate cow festival with various funny jocks and tell the reality by different face and dresses. King Mall order to bring the cow procession before the sad queen and people tried their best with different mask, color, painting and dresses dance and practice and different costumes acts. Finally, after the dance, different action, cow procession the queen smile and  her face more interesting. The smile at the moment was temporary but the procession gave queen a big relief. She knew that there are several death in the city during the period and she is not alone. Death is the natural phenomenon and no one has control on it.

Gaijatra festival in kathmandu

After that the Kathmandu King Pratap Mall started the tradition for cow procession with different funny decoration, dresses and paints with funny jocks with reality by young boy and girls.  The boys even put tails and make up like monkeys and Hunuman walk though the city road to show people that the death is the truth in the life and everyone has to face it one day. The Gai Jatra tradition slowly developed into doing humorous acts including jokes, satires, mockery and lampoon in the Gai Jatra days.

Till now the Newari community of Katmandum Bhaktapur and Patan, city and beyond this festival celebrate more. This specially after the earthquake many of family lost their member and relatives celebrating special. The festival becoming more popular among the community, nation, tourism and for all. 


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